West Control Solutions MRC 7000 Profiler Manual User Manual
Page 24

The keys on the keypad functions include:
SCROLL: Used to :
1. Display the enabled modes.
2. While in a mode, used to sequence the parameter codes and
3. Exit some Test and Calibration functions
4. Work in conjunction with other keys:
a. With the UP key to display proportional output %
b. With the DOWN Key;
1) On power up to alter model #
2) Enter Cal/Test functions
UP: Used to:
1. Exit a mode.
2. Turn a mode On in the Enable mode
3. Increase a parameter numerical value
4. View the setpoint for Pen 1 (Press release)
5. Increase the setpoint value (Press hold)
6. Work in conjunction with other keys:
a. With the SCROLL key to display proportional output %
b. With the DOWN key;
1) Lamp test (Press release)
2) Enter the Enable mode (Press and hold for 11
Used to:
1. Enter a mode
2. Turn a mode Off in the Enable mode
3. Decrease a parameter numerical value
4. View the setpoint for Pen 2 (if provided)
5. Decrease the setpoint value (Press hold)
6. Step display through parameter codes in a mode
7. Start a profile
8. Work in conjunction with other keys:
a. With the SCROLL key;
1) On power up to alter the model number
2) Enter Cal/Test functions
b. With the UP key;
1) Lamp test (Press release)
2) Enter the Enable mode (Press and hold for
11 seconds)
AUTO/MAN: Used to:
1. In the Control mode to enter the Manual mode if proportional
The upper key is for
output(s) selected
Pen 1, the lower key
2. In the Manual mode to enter the Control mode if proportional
is for Pen 2 (if provided)
output(s) selected
RUN/HOLD: Used to:
1. To start a profile.
2. To halt a running profile.