Yokogawa IR200 User Manual

Page 75

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IM 11G02M01-01E

(2) How to remove block cell (See Fig. 7-2)

1. For Step 1 to 4., see Item 7.5.1, (1) How to remove pipe cell.

5. Remove the connector to the detector output cord from the printed board. For the 2-compo-

nent analyzer, remove the output cord connector of the 2-component analyzer detector (No.
13) from the printed board, and then remove the 2-component detector by unscrewing two
mounting screws (No. 14) fastening the 2-component detector.

6. Unscrew the two screws (No. 10) that hold the detector to the infrared ray light source unit to

remove the detector from the measuring unit. The cell can be removed together with the

7. To remove the cell, unscrew the two screws (No. 6) holding the cell to the detector. The

infrared transmission window is just sandwiched (not fixed) between the detector and block
cell. Keep the detector facing up, when removing this window.

8. For assembly, reverse the disassembly procedures.

Note) The O-ring is placed between the window holder and cell. Take care about the O-

ring position. With 2-component analyzer, install 2-component detector last. Take
care so that no space is left between the 1-component and 2-component detectors.
When inserting the detector output cord connector into the printed board, plug the
connectors for 1-component detector and 2-component detector into position. The
1-component connector should be plugged into CN11 and 2-component connector
into CN1, respectively.