ATTO Technology FastStream SC 5700 User Manual
ATTO Technology Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1.0 ATTO FastStream Offers Data Protection
- 1.1 FastStream SC 5300 Physical Attributes
- 1.2 FastStream SC 5500 Physical Attributes
- 1.3 FastStream SC 5700 Physical Attributes
- 2.0 Install the FastStream Storage Controller
- 3.0 Ensure Drive Integrity
- 4.0 Configure Storage into RAID Groups
- 5.0 Modify System Values
- 6.0 Monitor Storage, Configurations
- 6.1 Phone Home: Email Alerts
- 6.2 Drive Diagnostics
- 6.3 SCSI Enclosure Services (SES)
- 7.0 Modify Storage
- Preliminary steps
- RAID group processes
- Creating RAID groups
- Deleting RAID groups
- Adding drives to a RAID group
- Adding mirrors to a RAID configuration
- Changing RAID configuration: RAID migration
- Modifying RAID group mapping
- Modifying RAID group partitions
- Rebuilding RAID groups
- Modifying RAID options
- FastStream process: adding or removing Hot Spares
- Removing RAID configuration data
- Advanced CLI page
- 8.0 Manage ATTO Devices, Configurations
- 9.0 Interface Options
- 10.0 Update Firmware
- Appendix A CLI Provides an ASCII-based Interface
- Exhibit A-1 Symbols, typefaces and abbreviations used to indicate functions and elements of the command line interface used in this manual.
- CLI error messages
- CLI summary
- CLI command explanations
- AutoMap
- AutoResume
- BlockDevClean
- BlockDevIdentify
- BlockDevIDStop
- BlockDevScan
- Boot Delay
- BridgeModel
- BridgeName
- ClearEventLog
- Date
- DefaultInterleave
- DeleteAllMaps
- DisplayEventLog
- DisplayEventLogFilter
- DriveTest
- DriveTestConfig
- DriveTestList
- DriveTestStatus
- DumpConfiguration
- DumpEventLog
- EmailFromAddress
- EmailNotify
- EmailNotifyAddress
- EmailPassword
- EmailServerAddress
- EmailUsername
- EthernetSpeed
- EventLog
- EventLogFilter
- Exit
- FCConnMode
- FCDataRate
- FCHard
- FCHardAddress
- FCMultiNode
- FCPortErrors
- FCPortList
- FCSCSIBusyStatus
- FCTargets
- FCWWName
- FirmwareRestart
- Help
- HSAdd
- HSDisplay
- HSRemove
- IdentifyBridge
- Info
- IPAddress
- IPDNSServer
- IPGateway
- IPSubnetMask
- IsReserved
- MaxOpTemp
- Metrics
- MinOpTemp
- OpTempWarn
- Partition
- PartitionDisplay
- PartitionMerge
- PartitionSplit
- PartitionWriteCache
- PassThroughMode
- PassThroughPersistent
- PassThroughRediscover
- Password
- Performance
- Ping
- RAIDRebuildPriority
- RAIDSpeedWriteLimit
- ReadOnlyPassword
- ReadOnlyUsername
- Reserve
- ResetFCPortErrors
- RestoreConfiguration
- RGAddStorage
- RGAutoRebuild
- RGCancelAddStorage
- RGCommit
- RGCreate
- RGCreate
- RGDelete
- RGDiskWriteCache
- RGDisplay
- RGErase
- RGHaltConversion
- RGHaltErase
- RGHaltInitialization
- RGHaltRebuild
- RGMemberAdd
- RGMemberRemove
- RGPreFetch
- RGRebuild
- RGRebuild
- RGResumeConversion
- RGResumeErase
- RGResumeInitialization
- RGResumeRebuild
- RGResumeRebuild
- RGSectorSize
- RGSpanDepth
- RGSpeedRead
- RGUnmap
- RGWaitTimeout
- RMStatus
- Route
- Route
- Route
- RouteDisplay
- SASTargets
- SaveConfiguration
- SCSIDomainValidation
- SCSIPortBusSpeed
- SCSIPortList
- SCSIPortReset
- SCSIPortResetOnStartup
- SCSIPortSyncTransfer
- SCSIPortTermination
- SCSIPortWideTransfer
- SCSITargetLUNs
- SCSITargets
- SerialNumber
- SerialPortBaudRate
- SerialPortEcho
- SESAlarmTest
- SESDiskFailureAlarm
- Default: disabled
- SESEnclosures
- SESIdentify
- SESIdentifyStop
- SESMute
- SESPoll
- SESStartingSlot
- SESStatus
- SNTPServer
- TailEventLog
- Temperature
- Time
- TimeZone
- Username
- VerboseMode
- VirtualDriveInfo
- Voltage
- WrapEventLog
- zModem
- Appendix B Design RAID Groups
- JBOD: Just a Bunch of Disks
- DVRAID: Digital Video RAID
- RAID Level 0: striping, no redundancy
- RAID Level 1: mirroring (duplicate drives)
- RAID Level 1 plus additional mirroring
- RAID Level 1+0: striping, mirror spans two drives
- RAID Level 4: striping, one parity drive
- RAID Level 5: striping, parity distributed among drives
- RAID Level 6: striping, two parity blocks distributed among drives
- Appendix C SCSI Cabling
- Appendix D Standards and Compliances
- Appendix E Warranty