IEI Integration PCIE-G41A2 User Manual
Page 76

PCIE-G41A2 PICMG 1.3 CPU card
Page 64
PIO mode 3 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 11.1 MB/s
PIO mode 4 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 16.6 MB/s
(This setting generally works with all hard disk drives
manufactured after 1999. For other disk drives, such as IDE
CD-ROM drives, check the specifications of the drive.)
DMA Mode [Auto]
Use the DMA Mode BIOS selection to adjust the DMA mode options.
Auto D
BIOS auto detects the DMA mode. Use this value if the IDE
disk drive support cannot be determined.
S.M.A.R.T [Auto]
Use the S.M.A.R.T option to auto-detect, disable or enable Self-Monitoring Analysis and
Reporting Technology (SMART) on the drive on the specified channel. S.M.A.R.T predicts
impending drive failures. The S.M.A.R.T BIOS option enables or disables this function.
Auto D
BIOS auto detects HDD SMART support.
Prevents BIOS from using the HDD SMART feature.
Allows BIOS to use the HDD SMART feature
32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]
Use the 32Bit Data Transfer BIOS option to enables or disable 32-bit data transfers.
Prevents the BIOS from using 32-bit data transfers.
Enabled D
Allows BIOS to use 32-bit data transfers on supported
hard disk drives.