Device, Device menu – Extron Electronics SSP 7.1 User Guide User Manual

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The Device menu has eight options.
Connect... (F5) — In Emulate mode, the option
Connect... is available, allowing the user to switch to
Live mode and open a direct connection to the SSP 7.1
unit. You may also use the F5 keyboard button to
switch from Emulate to Live. The Connect... option is
not available in Live mode.
Disconnect (F6) — In Live mode, the option
Disconnect is available, allowing the user to close the
connection to the SSP 7.1 unit and switch to Emulate
mode. You may also use the F6 keyboard button to
switch from Live to Emulate. The Disconnect option is
not available in Emulate mode.
For more information about

Live and Emulate modes

, see page 23.

Set Baud Rate... — This opens the Device Settings dialog box, which allows the user to
change the baud rate of the connection between the computer and the SSP 7.1. Changing
the baud rate closes the connection between the computer and the SSP 7.1. The control
program then attempts to reconnect to the sound processor at the new baud rate.

Figure 38.

Device Settings Dialog Box

Front Panel — When the Locked
option is selected, the front panel
cannot be used to perform any
functions from the front panel
(except unlocking the front panel); when the Unlocked option is selected, the functions can
again be controlled from the front panel.
Volume Output — The volume of the audio output through all channels can be set
globally using these sub-menu options to choose either Fixed or Variable (the default value).
The Fixed option sets the volume to
full output with no attenuation. The
volume cannot be adjusted through
the front panel knob or by using the
SSP 7.1 Setup and Control Software or SIS commands. All the

Output Channel Trim Levels

(see page 39) are fixed at the values they had immediately before the Volume Output was
set to Fixed.
The Variable option allows the volume to be attenuated through the front panel knob, the
SSP 7.1 Setup and Control Software, or by SIS commands.

SSP 7.1 • Setup and Control Software