Speaker delay tab, E, see, Speaker – Extron Electronics SSP 7.1 User Guide User Manual

Page 38: Delay tab, Speaker delay

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Speaker Delay Tab

After completing the Speaker Configuration tab, configure the Speaker Delay tab.

Figure 20.

Speaker Delay Tab

These controls introduce a signal delay for each speaker that has not had its size value set to

None. The two main reasons to adjust the signal delay are:


To compensate for unequal distances between the speakers and the listener, which
causes sound from different speakers to reach the listener at different times.


To compensate for a lack of coordination between the audio and the accompanying
video signal.

Speaker distance

When speakers are arranged in a room, there is a central
location or “sweet spot” that offers the best listening point.
However, even in that central location, the speakers are not
necessarily all equidistant from the listener and the sound
from the closest speaker reaches the listener before the sound
from speakers that are further away.
Speaker distance settings delay the signals going to each
individual speaker (from 0 to 100 ms) so that the signals
from all the speakers are synchronized and reach the listener
simultaneously. The default setting for each speaker is 0 ms.
Speakers that are not available in the current configuration are not displayed. When the
back surround is set to one speaker, the right back speaker is unavailable and the left back
speaker is renamed center back.

SSP 7.1 • Setup and Control Software