Vanguard EZCT-2000B User Manual
Page 7

CT Burden Test
The EZCT-2000B can measure the CT’s secondary burden by injecting a 1A or 5A test current
into the load. The CT burden measurements (Voltage, current, Cos
ϕ, and burden impedance)
are displayed on the screen and printed on the test report. This important test verifies the
actual CT burden before putting the CT in service, thus avoiding any potential configuration
Current Source
The EZCT-2000B’s programmable current source (0-20A, 0-15Vac) can be used to verify CT
loads. The on-time timer and output current are displayed on the LCD screen.
Test Record Header Information
Test record header information, including the company, substation name, circuit ID,
manufacturer, mode, CT serial number, and the operator’s name, can be stored with each
record. In addition to the test record header, a 20-character test description for each test in the
record (10 tests per record) can also be entered.
User Interface and Display
The EZCT-2000B features a back-lit LCD screen (128 x 64 dot graphic) that is clearly viewable in
both bright sunlight and low-light levels. An alpha-numeric keypad is used to enter test
information and to control the unit’s functions.
Built-in Thermal Printer
A 4.5-inch wide built-in thermal printer can print the CT test results and saturation curves.
Internal Test Record Storage Capacity
The EZCT-2000B can store up to 140 test records in Flash EEPROM. Each test record may
contain up to 10 saturation curves, current-ratio readings, polarity and DC resistance readings,
insulation test results, and load burden test results. Test records can be recalled and printed by
the built-in thermal printer. Test records can also be transferred to a PC using the RS-232C port,
USB port, or via the USB Flash drive interface port.
Internal Test Plan Storage Capacity
The EZCT-2000B can store up to 128 CT test plans in Flash EEPROM. A test plan is comprised of
the saturation test voltage, current range selection, CT nameplate ratios, and CT winding
terminal combinations (X1 to X5) for each test and also includes the insulation and CT load
burden test definitions. Up to 10 test definitions can be stored per test plan. The ability to store
test plans makes CT testing an extremely simple process. To perform a test, the EZCT-2000B is
connected to the CT terminals and a test plan is selected to run.
Creating test plans for the EZCT-2000B is also a simple process. A test plan can be created using
the EZCT-2000B’s keypad or can be created on a PC (with provided software) and then
downloaded to the EZCT-2000B via the RS-232C or USB ports. For added convenience, test
plans can also be copied from a USB Flash drive to the EZCT-2000B via the USB Flash drive