Securitron iMXDa_iEXDa_CH INSTALLATION User Manual

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P/N 500-22155

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Rev. A, 11/12

Read and follow the instructions on Product Template which includes drilling and

mounting directions.

 When installing the strike plate, ensure that the long edge of the strike is at least 1/8"

[3.2mm] away from the door frame stop. The installed strike must allow the door to close

 Provide at least 3/4” [19mm] clearance between the end of the lock and the corner of the

door frame for tool access.

 The entire mounting area for the lock bracket and housing must be a flat surface.

 When installing the lock in the vertical position, the strike plate should be mounted with

the roll pin oriented toward the top.

 Check the external and internal areas of the marked door and frame for any mounting

obstacles and make necessary adjustments to avoid these obstacles. Use the template
provided for marking the mounting locations of the lock housing mounting bracket and

 The installed lock (E-laminate) face and the strike plate must be aligned so that they are

centered with each other.




1. Fully close the door.
2. Carefully fold the template and place into desired position.
3. ON THE DOOR: Center punch the strike and actuator mounting holes marked [A] on the


4. ON THE FRAME: Center punch the slotted lock mounting bracket holes marked [A] on the


5. Drill the two (2) holes required for the strike in the door as noted on the template.
6. Use a hammer to install the provided roll pin into the back of the strike plate.

(For iMXDa):

7. Mark and drill the two (2) 3/16” [4.8mm] diameter holes for the pins of the SB-MXD ON THE

OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR – these holes are designated [C] on the template. NOTE: The
SB-MXD may be used to mark the two (2) pin holes
by inserting the sex bolt into the
hole from the outside of the door and lightly tapping the head with a hammer so that the
pins mark the door where the holes are to be located. (Cover the head with a piece of

cardboard to protect from marring if necessary).

8. Install the sex bolt through the hole in the door from the outside, engaging the pins into the


9. Thread the cap onto the end of the sex bolt inside of the door. Use a wrench to tighten the


10. In the following order, assemble the strike mounting screw, strike bushing, strike plate, 1 to

3 rubber washer(s), and the steel washer. Use of two (2) rubber washers is recommended.

11. Apply thread locking compound to the strike screw threads.
12. Thread the strike mounting screw into the sex bolt just a few threads, while aligning the roll

pin into the hole in the door.

13. Pull on the assembly (strike) to expose the end of the spring loaded plunger.
14. With the plunger being held extracted, use a wrench (or vise grip pliers) on the plunger end

and a 3/16” hex key wrench in the socket head of the screw to tighten the assembly.

15. Release the assembly.

(For iEXDa):

16. Install the sex bolt through the hole in the door from the outside.

17. In the following order, assemble the strike mounting screw, strike bushing, strike plate and

rubber washer(s) together.

18. Apply thread locking compound to the strike mounting screw threads.
19. While holding the assembly together, thread the strike mounting screw into the sex bolt just

a few threads, while aligning the roll pin into the hole in the door.

20. Pull on the assembly (strike) to align and engage the knurled potion of the sex bolt into the


21. While keeping the assembly aligned, use a hammer to tap the head of the sex bolt into place

and use a 3/16” hex key wrench in the socket head of the screw to tighten the assembly.