Measure mode – Gentec-EO PC-Gentec-EO (for MAESTRO and INTEGRA) User Manual
Page 21

EO User’s Manual Revision 5.0
Special care must be taken in the case of widely varying pulse energy to ensure that every pulse is
detected. Contrary to the case of a power measurement where the auto mode adjusts continuously to the
measured value, the auto mode in energy mode bases its range selection on the energy of the previous
pulse. A pulse with energy less than 2% of the current scale will not be detected. Always set the scale to
the best one available. To be sure to measure lower energies, set the scale manually to the lowest level
and set the autoscale, the PC-Gentec-EO will autoscale to the best scale. In this case, the pulses that
saturated the scale while the autoscale was searching for the best scale will be invalid.
Measure Mode
Depending on the type of detector head connected on the Gentec-EO device, you can choose different
measure modes.
For thermopiles, you have the following measure modes:
Power in Watts (default).
Single Shot Energy in Joules
: (Energy mode/ calorimeter mode);
Moving Average in Watts.
For photo detectors, you have the following measure modes:
Power in Watts (default).
Moving Average in Watts.
Power in dBm (dBm = Log [power in Watts/0.001W]).
For Pyroelectrics
Energy in Joules (default);
Average Power in Watts (Not available on this version, check our website for new versions).
Energy Dose in Joules (Not available on this version, check our website for new versions).
Moving Average in Joules (Not available on this version, check our website for new versions).
This function allows you to measure the energy contained in a laser pulse with a Gentec-EO power
detector head. This mode of operation gives access to the same options as in the case of an energy
Rep. Rate
, must be compatible with the detector specification. (Please refer to the
user manual for the specific power detector you are using.)
You must select the range manually because the autoscale is deactivated when you select Energy
Keep in mind that the power detectors are optimized to sustain high average power, not high peak
energy. Always keep the energy density below the maximum energy density quoted in the manual for
that specific detector.
The energy mode is always available for power detectors with a typical sensitivity value. A precision of
±3% in the pulse energy measurement can be achieved if the power detector head is specifically
calibrated in energy mode. Please contact your local Gentec-EO distributor or nearest Gentec-EO office
for more information on obtaining a pulse energy measurement calibration.