Start/stop statistics” button, Startup config menu, Tartup – Gentec-EO PC-Gentec-EO (for MAESTRO and INTEGRA) User Manual

Page 17: Onfig, Buttons

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EO User’s Manual Revision 5.0


”Start/Stop Statistics” button

This button starts and stops the statistics calculation of the measured values. The different options for the
statistics calculations can be made in the

Set Display” tab of the “Statistics” graph. Changing the duration

settings of the statistics will automatically change the duration settings of the acquisition. Statistics can
also be saved to a file, as long as a filename has been provided.

To save only the statistics to a file, check the

Save statistics to the acquisition file” option in the

Statistics” options panel and start only the statistics, not the acquisition. To save statistics at the end of
the acquisition logging file, check the

Save statistics to the acquisition file” option in the “Statistics”

options panel and start the acquisition. Starting the acquisition when the

Save statistics to the acquisition


option is checked will also start the statistics. The statistics and acquisition routines produce a “*.acq”

file which can be drag-and-dropped directly to an opened Microsoft Excel sheet or in Notepad.



Fig. 3-8

“Startup Config” buttons

Save Settings:

Save the current display and graphic settings in a “*.geo” file

Load Settings: Load a

“*.geo” file with previously saved settings.

All modifications to the PC-Gentec-EO options (Set Measure options, Set Display options of each graphic
and Set Acquisition options) can be save to a

“*.geo” file. The operation of this tool is very simple.

1. Proceed to all modifications in the PC-Gentec-EO.
2. Press

the “Save Settings” button and save your settings to a file.

3. When opening the PC-Gentec-EO, press

the “Load Settings” button and choose your settings file.


To go back to the PC-Gentec-EO

’s original settings, press the “Default


button. Every option inside de PC-Gentec-EO will be restored to

its original factory default value.

For PC-

MAESTRO users, the settings saved in a “*.maestro” file will be
