Fairbanks scales – Fairbanks LoadTronic 3 - Loader Weighing System User Manual

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Procedure to specify job details for a job record:

1. Press a job record number directly using the keypad; job record 0 will

not store the details for later use.

2. Press job record/F3 to edit the job record; you may also change the job

record number in the job list: press the keypad directly, or press the up-
or down arrows

3. Press Next/F4 to highlight the Customer-field. Search for/type

customer details, refer chapter 4.1 for a description about searching for
a description/typing a description. Press Next/F4 to enter material
details and other job details until the job has been specified according
to your requirements.

4. Press Next/F4 to highlight the Load-field. Type the target load using

the keypad, or press the up arrow/


to adjust the load in step of 0.01t.

Press and hold the arrow to adjust the load in step of 0.1t.

5. Press Enter/# to activate the job, or press Cancel/* to abort the

operation. LOADTRONIC 3 returns to automatic weighing mode.

When the job is complete, the operator can press Print/F2 for a customer
receipt (requires a printer), or C/F1 (no report) to start a new unspecified job,
refer chapter 4.2 for more detail about customer reports.

Figure 3-5 Job details.

Fairbanks Scales