Fairbanks 2000 SERIES Rocker Column Railroad Scale User Manual

Page 29

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50614 Rev. 5

• Pour the grout mix from one end until it fully reaches the other side and rises to fill the form
completely. By using this method, there will be no gaps or air pockets. Vibrators are not rec-
ommended due to the danger of disturbing the placement of the loadcell base plate(s).
Ensure the grout mixture totally fills all voids.


Concrete Pier

Trim grout at an angle for the entire grout base


• The A.A.R. requires that IF grout extends beyond the base plate, it be sloped away from the
base plates and stands so that water will not pool and saturate the metal, thereby rusting it.
The form may be larger than the base or stand by about 3" on all sides. *When grout is firm
but can still be shaped, angle all four sides of pour down and away from the base plate or

• Do not allow any movement before grout is completely set. When grout is fully cured,
remove forms.

• When forms are removed, remove base plate leveling screws completely and discard then.
Fill the empty holes with silicon caulking. Tighten all loadcell base plate pier bolt nuts to 250
Ft pounds

Bolt the approach rail columns to the grout plates

When the grout has cured per the grout manufacturers instruction, the scale is ready for test-
ing and service.

1. Remove all grout forms.

2. Remove all leveling screws from the base plates. Fill the empty holes with rubber caulk-

3. Tighten all grout plate nuts and bolts

4. Adjust and shim all Check brackets for 1/16" Minimum to 1/8" Maximum clearance.
Ensure the scale modules exhibit free movement within the confines of the check brackets,
and that when the scale modules are undisturbed they do not contact the checking posts.

NOTE: If the scale leans to any one side or does NOT return to a centered position, the load
cells are NOT plumb. You can ONLY plumb load cells when the scale's checking is touching
ALL surfaces and the platform cannot move laterally in any direction.