Luminex IS Version 2.3 User Manual

Page 57

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MAP Technology

Luminex 2.3 Software

PN 89-00002-00-110 Rev. B


9. Click OK and wait until the wash completes. The device status

section in the status bar changes from “Running” to “Standby”.

If an error occurs during system calibration or verification, an X
appears in front of the Diagnostics tab title, and the title text turns

Selecting Existing

CAL or CON Lots


To select an existing lot:

1. On the Maintenance tab, click New CAL Targ or New CON


2. Select a lot using the arrows located to the right of the Import

and Export buttons in the Update CAL Targets and Update CON
Targets dialog boxes.

Review the lot information and press OK to select the calibration lot.

Importing CAL or

CON Lots


To import system CAL or CON lots:

1. On the Maintenance tab, click New CAL Targets or New CON

Targets as appropriate. An Update CAL Targets or Update
CON Targets
dialog box opens.

2. Click Import CAL or Import CON as appropriate. The Open

dialog box opens.

3. To select the calibration lot or control lot to import, click the

drop-down arrow for the Look in box. Browse for the
appropriate folder, diskette, or CD location. The file type is a .lif

After you select the location, the available lots display in the
selection list. Click the name of the lot to import and click Open.
The lot name appears in the product information box. The lot and
target information is displayed on the Update dialog box.

4. Click OK to complete the operation.

Exporting CAL or

CON lots


To export system CAL or CON lots:

1. On the Maintenance tab, click New CAL Targets or New CON

Targets. An Update CAL Targets or Update CON Targets
dialog box opens. Ensure you have the desired lot to export
displayed or selected.

2. Click Export CAL or Export CON as appropriate.

3. In the Save As dialog box, select the folder (directory) where

you want to export the lot as the Save-in location. The default is