19 shows what a standard curve for a – Luminex IS Version 2.3 User Manual
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MAP Technology
Luminex 2.3 Software
PN 89-00002-00-110 Rev. B
Figure 19 Competitive Assay
The standards tab displays an Expected Concentration column for
standard and control samples. The Standards Expected Concentration
column allows users to edit the standard concentrations. You can edit
controls; however, you must select the control name or Expected
Concentration box for that control, then click Change Lot.
When editing standard and control lot values the system may prompt
you for a new number. If this is the first batch you analyze using this
lot number, the system allows editing without requiring a new lot
name. However, if you have analyzed a previous batch using this lot,
the system will require that you rename the lot if edited or modified.
Background samples are commonly used in the assay process.
Although recommended, the discretion on whether to use or not is
left to the assay or kit developer. If background samples are included
they are defined in the assay template.
Background samples are samples with no active test substance. The
system uses background samples to remove assay background noise
from the sample results. Typical background samples contain
coupled beads,
assay buffer,
detection reagents, and reporter
fluorophore. Background samples do not contain target analytes.
If the background sample is designated accordingly, the system
subtracts the background sample’s reported fluorescence from all
other samples in a batch to report net MFI. If a batch contains more
than one background sample, the fluorescence values of the two
background samples are averaged together and subtracted from the
other samples to obtain a net fluorescence intensity.