Controlled Products Systems Group PAT1AC User Manual
Page 30
My single gate will not operate Patriot I:
STEP 1 Remove control box cover. Locate the “Open/Close Command” push button and press it to operate
the gate.
STEP 2 Press the “Reset” push button located above the “Open/Close Command” button, then push the
“Open/Close command” push button to operate the gate.
STEP 3 When pressing the “Open/Close Command” push button, listen for a clicking sound. If a click is
heard, then verify:
The 15-amp fuse located on the control board is good. If not, replace it using the spare located on the
control board. Also check the dipswitches (3 and 4) for correct switch settings based on where the
actuator is connected to the control board (Master or Slave). If switches are correct and the fuse is
good and clicking sound is heard, then the battery needs to be load tested to determine its condition.
Charge or replace the battery depending on results. Try connecting jumper cables from your 12vdc
vehicle’s battery to the gate operator’s battery as a quick battery test.
STEP 4 Press and hold the “LED Indicator” push button and observe all of the red LED’s (see page 26 for
If the two limit LED’s located below the actuator plug are both on, the operator will not operate. You
must adjust the limit switch (see page 15.) Example: If both limit LED’s are on when the gate is in
the closed position, and actuator is connected to the gate, the problem is with the open limit switch.
Adjust the open limit until the LED goes off and continue to adjust until the gate is at the desired
stopping position. Both LED’s should never be on simultaneously.
If any of the LED’s in the lower left corner of the control board are on, then this must be corrected.
Locate the accessory which is activated and repair or replace. Disconnecting the accessory will allow
the operator to work without the disconnected accessory function.
STEP 5 Disconnect the green J2 connector. Once disconnected, press the “Open/Close Command” button.
If gate operates, reconnect the green J2 connector and go to step 4b above.
STEP 6 Verify that DS1 switch 8 is off.
STEP 7 Disconnect the actuator connector plugged into the control board (X1 or X2). Reconnect the actuator
connector to the control board in the other connector (X2 or X1.) Locate the DS1 dipswitches on the
control board. Reverse the position of switches 3 and 4. Press the “Open/Close Command” button
and verify if the gate operates.
Note: Make sure there is a known good fuse in the side of the board the actuator cable is plugged into.
STEP 8 Call the factory for more information if the above steps have not worked.
My dual gate will not operate Patriot II:
STEP 1 Follow steps 1 through 6 above.
STEP 2 Disconnect both of the actuator connectors plugged into the control board (X1 and X2). Then locate
the DS1 dipswitches on the control board. Turn off switch 4 (slide to the left) and turn on switch 3
(slide to right).
Reconnect the connector from the actuator that goes to the gate closest to you. Connect it to the
Master (X1) connector on the control board. Press the “Open/Close Command” button and verify that
the gate operates.
STEP 3 If the gate operates correctly, disconnect the actuator plug and connect the other actuator plug into the
X1 connector. Press the “Open/Close Command” button and verify that the gate operates correctly.
At this point you have tested each actuator individually. If both worked correctly then go back to DS1