4 inherent reverse sensor adjustment, Adjust the operators reversing sensitivity, Dual operators – Controlled Products Systems Group 4302-111 User Manual
Page 24: Test the operators reversing sensitivity, Prm - primary, Sec - secondary

2.4 Inherent Reverse Sensor Adjustment
The amount of force required for the gate to reverse direction depends on the reverse sensitivity potentiometer.
While operator has AC power:
Adjust the operators reversing sensitivity:
Press the Key Switch button to cycle the gate OPEN.
While gate is opening, slowly rotate PRM - Primary reverse sensor clockwise until
reverse LED lights up
and the gate reverses direction. Rotate the primary
reverse sensor back counter-clockwise approximately 1/8 turn to decrease the
sensitivity (LED will turn off).
Press the Key Switch button (or wait for Auto-Close timer to time-out if turned ON)
and CLOSE the gate. Make sure the gate closes completely. If it reverses and opens
LED will light up
), rotate the primary reverse sensor counter-clockwise a little more
to decrease the reverse sensitivity (LED will turn off).
Cycle the gate a few times to be sure that it cycles completely in BOTH directions,
re-adjusting the primary sensor as necessary.
Secondary operator must be individually adjusted if dual operators have been
installed. Use the SEC - Secondary reverse sensor.
This vehicular gate operator is equipped with an inherent (Built-In) adjustable reversing sensor (Type A) that is
used as the primary entrapment sensing system according to the UL 325 standards. The gate will reverse
direction upon encountering an obstruction in either the opening or closing gate cycle. For the reverse system
to function correctly, the gate must be properly installed and work freely in both directions. A good set of roller
bearing hinges is essential for proper swing gate operation.
The ideal adjustment will allow the operator to move the gate through its entire travel cycle without reversing,
but will reverse upon contact with an obstruction with no more than 40 Lbs of force. This force can be measured
with a gate scale, DoorKing P/N 2600-225.
Note: “KEY SWITCH” button will use the
Auto-Close timer if turned ON (SW 1, switch 4 ON).
Note: The LED will light up during the first seconds of gate travel.
Wait until it turns off before adjusting the reverse sensor.
Dual Operators:
PRM - Primary
Note: The LED will turn on briefly
when AC power is turned on.
Safety Note: The LED will
remain ON after a cycling gate
gets obstructed during normal
operation to indicate that the
reverse sensor has been tripped.
Always check the gate area for
possible obstructions before
putting operator back in service.
SEC - Secondary
Keep pedestrians and vehicles clear of the gate while adjusting and testing sensors!
Test the operators reversing sensitivity:
Place an immobile object along the gate path, allowing the gate to strike it while in the open or close cycle. The gate must
reverse direction after striking the object. If it does not, increase the reverse sensitivity (steps and ) and repeat this
test until the correct sensitivity has been set for the OPEN and CLOSE directions.