4 splitter firmware update procedure, 1 how to reprogram splitters, 2 software and hardware required – Clear-Com FreeSpeak User Manual

Page 20: 3 splitter application

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CellCom/FreeSpeak Firmware Update Procedures

Rev: 6.05

VGC Part No.- 810372Z-MAN-6

Page 20 of 49

4 Splitter Firmware Update Procedure

4.1 How to Reprogram Splitters

Splitters do not have a bootloader. Upgrades are done using FDT.

4.2 Software and Hardware Required.

1. Flash Development Toolkit (FDT).- obtainable from

2. FreeSpeak Registation Serial Cable

3. Latest release of Splitter Application– supplied on CD

4.3 Splitter Application

1. Remove all the screws from the unit, and remove the cover.

2. Move the jumper from LK1 to LK2.

3. Connect the beltpack registration cable between the PC and the Splitter.

4. Run FDT on the PC. - Configured to

a. Device - H8S/ 2318/f,

b. CPU Crystal Frequency - 16.38Mhz,

c. Boot mode,

d. 19200 baud

5. Add the file to be downloaded to the project by right clicking on „Target Files“

in the left most window and selecting „add files to project“

6. Right Click on the file name and select 'Download File To Device'. (If this fails

first try changing the baud rate to 38400)

7. When this is complete, power off the unit.

8. Move Jumper from LK2 back to LK1.

9. Power up the splitter, the status LED should flash at steady 1 second


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