Flash downloader” for belpack dect updates – Clear-Com FreeSpeak User Manual
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CellCom/FreeSpeak Firmware Update Procedures
Rev: 6.05
VGC Part No.- 810372Z-MAN-6
Page 10 of 49
2.2.3 “Flash Downloader” for Beltpack DECT updates
1) Install the DECT loader onto a PC with a serial port.
2) Connect the PC to the Beltpack using the Beltpack registration cable.
3) Start up the Flashloader program, set as follows with the correct DECT
update file selected in “Target Final Flash Executable”.
4) Ensure the “Send Break signal while idle” and “Boot on start up” is
5) For FS-BP MK I and PD2202 beltpacks only. Power up the BP and check that
the black markers are appeari
ng in the “transcript from target” window. On
selecting the Start button the status will change from “idle” to “erasing flash”,
6) For FS-BP MKII click the start button to begin the download.
7) The ildr_425.hex can be found in the DECT images directory.