Atlantis Land I-Storm A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 User Manual

Page 51

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The nat stats command does not provide the total number of packets or bytes
transferred, as this information is normally available from the device driver on the
interface which NAT is filtering.

7.8.3 Example

bd3000> nat stats ethernet

Outgoing TCP sessions created: 456

Outgoing UDP sessions created: 123

Outgoing ICMP query sessions: 12

Outgoing ICMP errors: 0

Incoming ICMP errors: 6

Incoming connections refused: 2

Sessions deleted early: 0

Fragments currently queued: 0

7.9 version

7.9.1 Syntax

nat version

7.9.2 Description

This command displays NAT’s internal version number.

7.9.3 Example


nat version

NAT Version 1.00

7.10 dump

7.10.1 Syntax

nat dump on|off

7.10.2 Description

This command is only available in debug builds.
nat dump causes a detailed dump of the information in each packet’s header to be
printed both before and after translation. This command is provided for debug

7.10.3 Example


nat dump on

7.11 fragments

7.11.1 Syntax