Climax BB5000 Vertical Spade Drilling Accessory User Manual
Bb5000 vertical system drilling

BB5000 Vertical SyStem Drilling
a powerful portable spade drilling system
designed for fast set-up and drilling
The Climax Spade Drilling System is
designed to spade-drill holes from
1-1/2” to 3-3/8” (38 to 86 mm)
diameter. Provision is made to mount straight-
shank or #5 Morse taper shank spade-drills.
Coolant can be delivered to the spade-drill by
way of a hole through the boring bar.
This extremely powerful spade drilling system
is capable of producing over 400 ft lbs (544
N•m) of torque at the bar. The System’s spe-
cially designed rotational drive unit (RDU)
applies a 4-to-1-gear reduction ratio to the
power drive. This provides extremely high
torque even at lower bar RPM’s. The result:
you get your job done fast.
Heavy duty, rugged construction and Climax’s
unique, patented spherical mounting system
provide you with fast set-up and extremely
precise operation. The Climax Vertical Spade
Drilling System produces precise, concentri-
cally drilled holes with no elongation or
The Vertical Spade Drilling System is truly a
versatile portable machining system with a
wide variety of available accessories. Contact
your Climax representative for additional
Ordering Information
• 30798 Right Angle Base
Assembly (shown in blue). BB5000
Boring Machine sold separately. See
accessories listing on reverse
for a selection of bars, spade drill
holders, spade drills, and other
• See accessories listing on reverse
side for a selection of bars, spade
drill holders, spade drills, and other
accessories. Contact us for assis-
tance in the selection of a Vertical
Spade Drilling System configured to
your specific requirements.