H-3531 – Xylem H-3531 FlashLite User Manual

Page 75

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Modbus Protocol B-3

B.4.2 Stage Units Select(R/W)
This holding register allows the user to change the units of the stage that is reported in the
holding registers. Below shows what values to write to the register to change to the
desired units.

Stage Units Select Register: = 00 (stage in feet)* factory default

= 01 (stage in meters)
= 02 (stage in inches)
= 03 (stage in mm)
= 04 (stage in cm)
= 05 (psi)
= 06 (user defined)

B.4.3 Reserved(R/W)
This holding register is reserved space for future use.

B.4.4 Modbus Baud rate(R/W)
This holding register allows the user to change the baud rate of the Modbus RS-485 port.
This register for H-3531 FlashLite™ defaults to 00, which is 9600 baud. When the user
changes the baud rate it does not take effect until the power is cycled. The list below
shows what values to write to select the desired baud rate.

Modbus Baud rate Select Register:

= 00 (9600) * factory default
= 01 (4800)
= 02 (2400)
= 03 (1200)

B.4.5 Parity(R/W)
This holding register allows the user to change the parity bit. The list below shows what
values to write to select the desired parity.

Modbus Parity Select Register:

= 00 (No Parity)
= 01 (Even Parity) * factory default
= 02 (Odd Parity)

B.4.6 User Stage Offset(R/W)
This holding register allows the user to enter a user defined stage offset. The factory
default is 0. This holding register is a 32-bit holding register, therefore the value sent to
write to this register must be in a 64-bit floating point number format.

B.4.7 User Stage Slope(R/W)
This holding register allows the user to enter a user defined stage slope. Writing to this
register is only applicable when the Stage Units Select Register is set to 06, which
indicates the user defined mode for the units. This holding register is a 32-bit holding
register, therefore the value sent to write to this register must be in a 32-bit floating point
number format. The factory default slope is 2.3067, which sets stage units to feet.