H-3531 – Xylem H-3531 FlashLite User Manual
Page 30

4-6 Simple RS-232 Menu Interface
4.4 Sensor Mode Options Menu
This setup menu is for viewing and editing the H-3531 FlashLite™ power modes and other mode
4.4.1 P - Power Mode
This option is for changing the H-3531 FlashLite™. The following prompt at the bottom
of the menu.
Enter Option >Power Mode Value(0-4) [ ]
Enter in the desired power mode.
Power Modes:
0 = Sleep between measurements
1 = Sleep with sensor bias On (reserved for factory use)
2 = Sleep with sensor bias and reference On (reserved for factory use)
3 = Wait mode. Make measurements and update all outputs based on the measure rate
4 = Wait mode. Power profile for Modbus
The menu will refresh with the new power mode.
4.4.2 F - Fast Mode
This option is the enable for putting the H-3531 FlashLite™ in a special mode called Fast
Mode. Fast Mode causes the H-3531 FlashLite™ to complete measurements in 1 second
vs. the normal mode which takes about 6 seconds. This mode is not recommended
because the atmospheric pressure and temperature values are only updated every 3 minutes
and the H-3531 FlashLite™ does not average as many measurements. When in this mode
the Meancount/Averaged measurements value are not used. But if there is an application
where the user needs the H-3531 FlashLite™ to measure that fast this mode does work.
Therefore, the user may lose some accuracy using this mode because the H-3531
FlashLite™ is calibrated in the normal mode with the atmospheric pressure and
temperature measured every measurement. After pressing the F key the screen will
refresh with the option changed.
4.4.3 N - NOAA Mode
This options is the enable for putting the H-3531 FlashLite™ in NOAA Mode. NOAA
Sensor Mode Options Menu
P - Power Mode: 0
F - Fast Mode: Off
N - NOAA Mode: Off
D - Reset to Defaults
Enter Option >