Asus GigaX2008EX User Manual
Page 50
GigaX2008EX L2 Managed Switch User Manual
CLI command: l2 trunk remove
Restores the previous saved settings of trunk from configuration file.
CLI command: l2 trunk retrieve
[Mirror Mode] [Enable/Disable]
[Monitor Port] [port number]
Displays the mirroring settings of the switch.
CLI command: l2 mirror create
CLI command: l2 mirror ingress
CLI command: l2 mirror egress
CLI command: l2 mirror remove
Restores the previous saved settings from configuration file.
CLI command: l2 mirror retrieve
[Limit Rate]
User can limit the broadcast, multicast, and flooding (due to destination lookup
failed) traffic rate by turning the traffic control on.
CLI command: l2 rate set broadcast and multicast, 3:broadcast, multicast and unknown unicast )> [Reload] CLI command: l2 rate retrieve [Aging Time] the aging time value. CLI command: l2 arl age [aging time value] [Query by Port] CLI command: l2 arl port
Restores the previous saved settings from configuration file.
User can set the ARL (Address Resolution Logic) entries aging time by setting
ARL entries existed in ARL table can be queried according to port number.