Asus GigaX2008EX User Manual

Page 50

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GigaX2008EX L2 Managed Switch User Manual

CLI command: l2 trunk remove

Restores the previous saved settings of trunk from configuration file.

CLI command: l2 trunk retrieve

[Mirror Mode] [Enable/Disable]

[Monitor Port] [port number]
Displays the mirroring settings of the switch.

CLI command: l2 mirror create
CLI command: l2 mirror ingress
CLI command: l2 mirror egress
CLI command: l2 mirror remove

Restores the previous saved settings from configuration file.

CLI command: l2 mirror retrieve

[Limit Rate]
User can limit the broadcast, multicast, and flooding (due to destination lookup

failed) traffic rate by turning the traffic control on.

CLI command: l2 rate set [

broadcast and multicast, 3:broadcast, multicast and unknown unicast )>


Restores the previous saved settings from configuration file.

CLI command: l2 rate retrieve

[Aging Time]
User can set the ARL (Address Resolution Logic) entries aging time by setting

the aging time value.

CLI command: l2 arl age [aging time value]

[Query by Port]
ARL entries existed in ARL table can be queried according to port number.

CLI command: l2 arl port