Iv. netware drivers, Manual operation, Scheduled operation – Asus P/I-P65UP8/CP6ND User Manual

Page 59: Unloading the pmsched.nlm utility

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ASUS P/I-P65UP8 User’s Manual



Using the PMSCHED.NLM Utility
You must load the PMSCHED.NLM utility to activate power management for
devices controlled by the SDMSNETx.DSK driver.

The syntax for the line that loads the PMMAKE utility is:

load PMSCHED []


is the name of the power management configuration file to use. If
no file is specified, PMSCHED looks for SYS:\PM\PM.CFG. If PM.CFG is not
found, PMSCHED loads for manual operation of power management.

Manual Operation

In manual operation, power management is initially off on all devices, and gather/
displaying of device statistics is on.

PMSCHED.NLM allows manual enabling and disabling of power management on
individual drives. You can also enable and disable statistics gathering, and clear

To toggle power management on and off for a device, highlight the device under
PMSCHED.NLM and press the F3 key. A menu appears with these selections:

1. Toggle Power Management
2. Toggle Statistics
3. Reset Statistics

Highlight Toggle Power Management and press Enter. Toggling Power Manage-
ment has no effect on the device statistics.

Scheduled Operation

Automatic scheduling of power management cycles is possible only when PMSCHED
remains loaded. For scheduled operation, PMSCHED.NLM requires either:

The file SYS:\PM\PM.CFG, created by PMMAKE.NLM, or

The name of the schedule file, created by PMMAKE.NLM, loaded with
PMSCHED as a command line parameter

Unloading the PMSCHED.NLM Utility

Unloading PMSCHED.NLM does not turn power management off. The state of
power management on each device is maintained until the server is downed or
PMSCHED.NLM is reloaded.




(PMSCHED Utility)