V. sco unix drivers, Installing your sco unix driver, Existing system installation – Asus P/I-P65UP8/CP6ND User Manual
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ASUS P/I-P65UP8 User’s Manual
Installing Your SCO UNIX Driver
Existing System Installation
This procedure assumes SCO UNIX is already installed on a hard disk drive. This
installation is necessary to build a new UNIX kernel which includes the proper
Symbios Logic host adapter driver. The basic steps for accomplishing this are out-
lined below. For more details on UNIX installation, refer to the SCO UNIX System
Administrator’s Reference manual.
Symbios Logic recommends creating a second copy of the UNIX kernel.
Log in as root and issue the command:
cp /unix /unix.good
This creates a second copy of the UNIX kernel under the name /unix.good.
NOTE: If any problems arise with the new UNIX kernel being built, this proce-
dure ensures that a valid copy of the UNIX kernel will be available. To access
this valid UNIX kernel, type at the colon after the boot message:
Install your Symbios Logic driver.
Insert the Symbios Logic BTLD diskette in the drive and type:
Press the Enter key to continue.
A prompt appears to insert the requested diskette. Since the Symbios
Logic diskette is already inserted, press the Enter key to continue.
A prompt now asks for the name of the package. Type: bhba if your
SCO UNIX is release 3.2v4x, or slha if your SCO UNIX is
OpenServer. Press the Enter key to continue.
If a driver is already present from a previous installation, a prompt
inquires about replacing it. Replace it if there is reason to believe it is
corrupted, or if you are installing a newer version.
To execute CAM3, remove the Symbios Logic diskette from the drive
(since CAM3 is now installed on the hard drive), then type:
mkdev cam3 Press the Enter key to continue.
The CAM3 main menu is displayed. To check what SCSI devices are
installed, type 5 and press Enter to show the current SCSI configuration.
If you are only updating the Symbios Logic driver, skip to step 6 to
rebuild the kernel.