I. dos/windows drivers, Installing your aspi8xx.sys driver, Command line options – Asus P/I-P65UP8/CP6ND User Manual

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ASUS P/I-P65UP8 User’s Manual





Installing Your ASPI8XX.SYS Driver

1. Use the COPY command to copy the ASPI8XX.SYS driver from the SDMS

SCSI Drivers disk to your boot disk.

2. Add this line to your system’s CONFIG.SYS file:


This line must appear before any line loading other ASPI drivers (like SYMCD.SYS,
SYMDISK.SYS, or any other ASPI compliant driver/application).

Command Line Options

The ASPI8XX.SYS driver has several configurable features which are set via switches
on the command line in your CONFIG.SYS file.

In the following descriptions, ‘path’ refers to the adapter number (boot order desig-
nation), and ‘id’ refers to the SCSI ID. The following conventions are also used:

[ ] items in brackets are optional

means repeat item 0 or more times

IMPORTANT: No spaces are allowed in specifying these command line op-
tions. Spaces are required between different command line options.

Using the /ASK Option
This option prompts you at system boot-up time whether to load the ASPI8XX.SYS
driver. Option Syntax: /ASK

For example, to activate this option, the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads
ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: DEVICE=C:[PATH]ASPI8XX.SYS /ASK

Using the /WIDTH (or /W) Option
The width parameter defines the maximum data width negotiated with a device. This
is used with host adapters capable of 16-bit data transfers. Valid settings are 8 or 16.

Option Syntax:


For example, if your first host adapter (boot order designation = 0) is a 16-bit adapter,
and you wish to force 8-bit transfers to a device at SCSI ID 2, the line in your
CONFIG.SYS file that loads ASPI8XX.SYS should look like this: