Energy counters – Rainbow Electronics AT73C502 User Manual

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In multi-channel mode the active energy of each three
meters (phases) is stored in registers 12-14. REG15 is not
in use.

The maximum value of different power registers differs,
depending on the calculation formulas used. The scaling of
registers is described below.

If a full scale sine signal is applied to voltage and current
inputs and the voltage and current channels are exactly in
the same phase, a value of 258F C2F7H will be produced
in the 32-bit P1, P2 and P3 registers. The LS bit will corre-
spond to about 34 microwatts in nominal input conditions of
270V maximum phase voltage and 80A maximum current.

If the load is fully reactive (


90° phase difference) and full

scale signals are applied, the Q1, Q2 and Q3 register con-
tent will be 2231 594DH positive or negative, and the LSB
will represent about 38 µVAr. The maximum value of the
16-bit S registers is 258EH and this value is obtained if a
full scale amplitude is produced to the current and voltage
inputs. LS bit of the S registers correspond to about 2.25VA

The following formula is used to calculate the power factor:

The PF register contents 7FFFH represents power factor
value one and the contents 0000H value zero. Negative PF
values are stored correspondingly as negative binary num-
bers. It should be noted that the sign of power factor result
indicates whether the loading is inductive (+) or capacitive

The contents of frequency register (REG17) actually repre-
sents a 16-bit figure which corresponds to the duration of
50 line frequency cycles. The measurement is made by
comparing the line frequency with one of the sampling
clocks of AT73C500 and therefore the result depends on
the crystal frequency used. With default 3.2768 MHz crys-
tal, the resolution of time value is 1.25 ms. To get the fre-
quency, the following calculation has to be made:

If the master clock frequency (MCLK) of AT73C500 is not
nominal, the following formula gives frequency results:

In the default condition, value 7FFFH of register 17 corre-
sponds to 1.22 Hz frequency, value 0320H represents
50 Hz and 0001H 40 kHz. However, in practice, the band-
width of frequency measurement is limited to 20 Hz to
350 Hz.

The frequency measurement is locked with one of the
phase voltages. If this voltage disappears, AT73C500 tries
to track one of the other phases. The frequency measure-
ment works down to about 10% level of the full scale volt-
age range. The harmonics content of phase voltage should
be below 10%. If it is higher, erroneous frequency results
may be obtained.

The voltage registers (REG19-REG21) are scaled so that
full scale sinusoidal input signal at AT73C501/AT73C502
voltage channels will produce 7A8BH value into voltage
registers. This means that the resolution of the registers is
about 8.6 mV. Accordingly, full scale current will produce
7DA4H to current registers (REG22-REG24) providing a
resolution of about 2.5 mA. In practice, the voltage can be
measured down to about 25V level and current down to
about 100mA.

If either voltage or current, or both, contain a considerable
amount of harmonics producing a square wave type wave-
form, it is recommended to scale the input range so that the
maximum peak-to-peak value is at least 10% below the full
scale range of inputs. This is to avoid overflow in the calcu-
lations performed by AT73C500.

Energy Counters
Four 32-bit counters (REG12-REG15) measure energy
consumption. In nominal situations, the counters are
always incremented when 0.4Wh (0.4VArh) energy is con-
sumed. The counters can store minimum of 1100 days con-
sumption, provided that AT73C501/AT7 3C502 and
AT73C500 are used with default settings.

Impulse outputs are generated from these counters. The
meter constant rate represents 2 LSBs of a counter which
e q u a l s 0 . 8 W h ( 0 . 8 V A r h ) a n d p r o d u c e s 1 2 5 0
impulses/kWh. (1250 impulses/kVArh). In modes 1 to 4, the
display pulses are generated from 25 LSBs of a counter.
This corresponds to an impulse rate of 100 impulses/kWh
(100 impulses/kVArh). It is possible to adjust this rate with
MCC calibration coefficient. In mode 7, 250 LSBs of the
energy register is needed to generate one impulse (10

The default values above are based on 80A


full scale

current, 270V


full scale voltage and 3.2768 MHz clock


The crystal frequency will affect the values of energy regis-
ters (REG12-REG15) and time register (REG 16). It will
also change the pulse rates of the impulse outputs.




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