Rainbow Electronics MAX11008 User Manual
Page 45

Dual RF LDMOS Bias Controller with
Nonvolatile Memory
that is sent with the slave address (see the
Address/Data Bytes (5-Byte Read Cycle)
Tables 7 to 27 describe each register in detail.
Register Descriptions
High Temperature Threshold Registers (TH1, TH2)
The High Temperature Threshold registers set the
upper alarm thresholds for each temperature sensor
channel (see Table 7). The temperature value is
entered into the register in the same format as the ADC
temperature conversion results, which is a 12-bit
signed (two’s complement) fixed-point number with the
3 LSBs being the fractional bits. See the
Alarm Function
section for more information on configuring the alarm
When the MAX11008 is powered up for the first time,
the high temperature threshold is set to the maximum
value (0111 1111 1111 = +255.875°C) by default. After
initial power-up, the high temperature threshold can be
set to the desired value. The high temperature thresh-
old value can be initialized from the EEPROM.
Low Temperature Threshold Registers (TL1, TL2)
The Low Temperature Threshold registers set the lower
alarm thresholds for each temperature sensor channel
(see Table 8). The temperature value is entered into the
register in the same format as the ADC temperature
conversion results, which is a 12-bit signed (two’s com-
plement) fixed-point number with the 3 LSBs being the
fractional bits. See the
Alarm Function
section for more
information on configuring the alarm thresholds.
When the MAX11008 is powered up for the first time,
the low temperature threshold is set to the minimum
value (1000 0000 0000 = -256.0°C) by default. After ini-
tial power-up, the low temperature threshold can be set
to the desired value. The low temperature threshold
value can be initialized from the EEPROM.
High Current Threshold Registers (IH1, IH2)
The High Current Threshold registers set the upper
alarm thresholds for each current-sense amplifier chan-
nel (see Table 9). The current threshold value is
entered into the register in the same format as the ADC
current conversion results, which is a 12-bit unsigned
binary. See the
Alarm Function
section for more infor-
mation on configuring the alarm thresholds.
When the MAX11008 is powered up for the first time,
the high current threshold is set to the maximum value
(1111 1111 1111) by default. After initial power-up, the
high current threshold can be set to the desired value.
The high current threshold value can be initialized from
Low Current Threshold Registers (IL1, IL2)
The Low Current Threshold registers set the lower
alarm thresholds for each current-sense amplifier chan-
nel (see Table 10). The current threshold value is
entered into the register in the same format as the ADC
current conversion results, which is a 12-bit unsigned
binary. See the
Alarm Function
section for more infor-
mation on configuring the alarm thresholds.
When the MAX11008 is powered up for the first time,
the low current threshold is set to the minimum value
(0000 0000 0000) by default. After initial power-up, the
low current threshold can be set to the desired value.
The low current threshold value can be initialized from
Hardware Configuration Register (HCFIG)
Select FIFO status indication through the ALARM out-
put, ADC monitoring mode, ADC clock modes, PGA
gain settings, DAC reference modes, and ADC refer-
ence modes by setting bits D[11:0] in the Hardware
Configuration register (see Table 11).
Set T1AVGCTL to 1 to enable the channel 1 averaging-
equation bit. The T1AVGCTL bit controls the averaging
equation for channel 1 while the device is in tracking
mode. The T1AVGCTL bit only affects the tracking
mode of the averaging. The bit does not affect the
acquirement of the initial average. The initial average
always requires 16 samples to generate a valid aver-
age. Set T1AVGCLT to 0 for the average plus 1/16 dif-
ference. Set T2AVGCLT to 1 for the average plus 1/4
difference. See Table 11a.
Program T1LIMIT[2:0] to enable and set the difference
limiter for channel 1 temperature averaging. The chan-
nel 1 temperature average must be enabled for the
contents of T1LIMIT[2:0] to have any effect on the mea-
sured data (see the
Alarm Software Configuration
Register (ALMSCFIG) (Read/Write)
section). The
T1LIMIT[2:0] field only affects the tracking mode of the
average function. When tracking the average, the dif-
ference between the current average and the new sam-
ple is calculated. The difference is then added into the
average according to the T1AVGCTL bit. However,
before being added, the difference is limited according
to the T1LIMIT[2:0] field. See Table 11b.