Baron BA-9250-0X User Manual
Baron For motorcycles

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Baron Fiberglass Fender
Caution: Please read ALL of the instructions BEFORE beginning the
Revision: 1.8 - 07/26/2010
(2) Strut
(2) Spacer
(1) Rear Fender
NOTE: We recommend the use of Blue Loctite® on all fasteners and mounting hardware.
1. Remove stock fender. If installing Bomber fender, remove tail lamp from stock fender - you will remount this
in Bomber fender.
2. Install left fender strut inside the frame and secure with stock hardware and supplied spacer. The spacer
goes on forward hole of the strut.
3. Install right side fender strut inside the frame. The corner of the battery box must be trimmed in order to get
strut in place. Use a hack saw.
4. Place fender over struts and position for marking and drilling. Mark the fender. Fender may be bolted on, or
bonded with fiberglass for a no-fastener look.
5. For Bomber fender installations, reinstall tail lamp at this time and attach factory wire harness.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
© 2013 Barons Custom Accessories
5221 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
(925)583-2499 - Ph.
(714)901-0520 - Fax