Baron Chrome Shop_PROFILER GAS CAP KIT User Manual

Baron For motorcycles

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Profiler Gas Cap Installation

CAUTION! Read this before installing these products! WARNING! WE

QUALIFIED MOTORCYCLE TECHNICIAN. The purchaser of this product

assumes all risk in its installation and use. Barons will not be responsible for

damage to fuel tanks from improper or incomplete installations. Once the

Profiler insert has been installed, it cannot be removed. The installation of this

product requires the use of two-part epoxy (supplied).

Revision: 1.2 - 08/20/2012


(1) Mixing Stick

(1) Packet 2-Part Epoxy

(1) Profiler insert

(1) Profiler Gas Cap


1. Drain your fuel tank to under half-full prior to installation. Remove your stock, locking gas cap. Pre-clean
around the filler neck of your tank. We suggest you mask off the area immediately around the filler neck of
your tank to protect its paint from any epoxy drops. It is recommended that you have a small container of
cleaning solution (rubbing alcohol) on hand prior to mixing and applying the epoxy for rapid cleanup.

2. Dry fit Profiler black insert into the tank opening, noting where contact surfaces are between insert and fuel
tank. Remove insert.

3. Using backside of Profiler caps cardboard packaging as a mixing palette, mix epoxy per instructions on
back of its package. Use supplied mixing stick as a tool. NOTE: This epoxy is fast setting it will remain
workable for only 3-5 minutes!

4. Apply epoxy to the top and inside of the fuel tanks filler neck then apply to the insert. Completely encircle
both the insert and filler neck. Use enough adhesive on both parts so that they will bond together but not
overflow. Set the insert into the filler neck and press the two firmly together. Slightly rotate insert to even the
epoxy bead.

5. Let epoxy cure for 24 hours with the cap NOT INSTALLED! After curing, screw in the new chrome gas cap
and you are ready to ride.

Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or

fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.

© 2013 Barons Custom Accessories

5221 Oceanus Drive

Huntington Beach, CA 92649

(925)583-2499 - Ph.

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