Baron Tachometers_SPEEDO MOUNT User Manual
Baron For motorcycles

Page: 1
Instrument Holder
Honda VTX 1800 "C"
Revision: 1.1 - 02/19/2010
(1) - O-Ring
(1) - Grommet
(1) - Instrument Holder with Clamping Bar
NOTE: We recommend the use of Blue Loctite on all fasteners and mounting hardware.
Remove speedometer from stock housing by removing the two nuts on back of holder.
Remove rubber grommet around speedometer and the wire grommet - you will not be reusing them.
Place the supplied large o-ring around the speedometer and put into new holder, feeding the wire through
hole in rear of holder.
Install the supplied grommet on to the wire by making a slit in the grommet and placing it over the wire, it
will go into the hole in the back of the speedo holder
Secure speedometer with stock nuts. Note: Do not over tighten - studs on the speedo are very soft.
Remove clamping bar from new holder and place holder in desired position between the bars.
Reinstall clamping bar and tighten evenly to 8 ft-lbs.
Plug in speedometer to wire harness of the bike.
An extra mounting hole has been provided on the underside of clamping bar to mount a tachometer or other
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
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