Baron BA-746X-XX User Manual
Baron For motorcycles

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BA-740X-XX / BA-746X-XX
CAUTION! We Strongly recommend that a qualified technician install this kit
if you do not completely understand the instructions prior to the install.
Revision: 1.3 - 04/12/2012
(2) Billet Grips (Left and Right [throttle])
(3) M5x5 Socket Set Cups
2.5mm Allen Wrench
Phillips Screwdriver
Synthetic Grease/Lube
8mm & 10mm Wrenches
Needle-Nose Pliers
Factory Service Manual
1. Remove the left stock grip. These are generally glued on from the factory and may need to be cut off.
Another option is to spray some WD40 under the grip and work it loose. If you have factory grip ends, they will
no longer be utilized.
2. Install the left grip by sliding it on the bar and tightening the 3 set screws. Make sure these set screws are
tight and will not allow the grip to slide off the bar.
3. Move to the throttle side of the bike, and remove the 2 screws holding the switch box together.
4. Slide the loose switchbox & the grip off as one unit.
5. The grip should be easily removed from the cables at this time. Replace the stock grip with the Baron Billet
Grip. Make sure the cable ends seat in the grip.
6. Now is a good time to lube the inside of the new Baron Billet Grip. Since it is metal on metal, it will need some
lubrication to prevent binding.
7. Check the bar for burrs. It may need to be sanded smooth to enable proper operation.
8. Slide the grip and the switchbox assembly onto the bar.
9. Tighten the switchbox and adjust the cable per factory service manual specifications.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
© 2013 Barons Custom Accessories
5221 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
(925)583-2499 - Ph.
(714)901-0520 - Fax