Baron BA-9040-00 User Manual
Baron For motorcycles

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V-Star 1100 Tank Extensions
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our
products. Further tuning and/or fitment may be required. Baron bears no
responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
Revision: 1.3 - 02/23/2010
Please read ALL of the instructions BEFORE beginning the installation.
NOTE: We recommend the extension be installed by a body shop familiar with fiberglass work.
1. After removing the tank from the bike, remove the petcock, fuel sender, and mounting hardware from
tank. (Leave the rear mounting hardware in place for now to aid in fitting the tank extension.)
2. Tape off all openings with good 3M tape.
3. Strip the paint from the tank with a good automotive or aircraft paint stripper.
4. Reinstall tank and slip the extension onto tank to align. Mark your alignment. Place the tank on a table
with petcock removed and the extension on the back to check if is installed square - it should touch the
table at all four corners.
5. We recommend 3M DP420 to bond the extension to the tank. Follow the directions provided with the DP
420 for the surface prep. Use masking tape to secure the extension in place after applying the DP420. Wrap
around and under tank to hold extension.
6. When painting make sure all of the bare metal under and behind the extension are painted to prevent rust.
After bodywork and paint it may be necessary to pull back seat material from the front of the seat and
trim the pan for proper fitment.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
© 2013 Barons Custom Accessories
5221 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
(925)583-2499 - Ph.
(714)901-0520 - Fax