Baron Chrome Shop_REAR LICENSE MOUNT User Manual
Baron For motorcycles

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V-Star 650/1100 Side-Mount License/Tail Light Installation
Please read ALL of the instructions BEFORE beginning the installation.
Revision: 1.1 - 03/17/2010
(1) Side Mount License Bracket
(3) M6x10 Flat Cap Socket Screws
1. Remove four (4) license plate frame mount screws and the license plate frame from your new Baron
License/Tail Light assembly.
2. Attach mounting arm to backing plate with supplied 6x10mm screws. NOTE: Lower-left license frame
mounting screw (as viewed from backside of backing plate) must be in place before securing mounting arm to
backing plate.
3. Position license plate and install plate frame, tightening lower-left mounting screw first, then tightening
remaining screws.
1. Place the motorcycle on a suitable stand to safely support it while you perform the installation.
2. Remove rear axle nut per Yamaha service manual procedures. Replace left side axle washer with new Baron
3. Reinstall axle nut and torque to Yamaha service manual specs.
4. Wire the tail light into motorcycles wire harness as follows: (Brake light): Tail lights red wire to
motorcycles yellow wire. (Tail/running light): Tail lights black wire to motorcycles blue wire. You will need
approximately 30-inches of wire to properly route tail light wiring up swingarm and into wire harness.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
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