Baron Tachometers_MASTER CYLINDER MOUNT for 2" MINI-BULLET TACH Suzuki Models User Manual
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Master Cylinder Mount for
Sub-Sonic Tachometer
Revision: 1.1 - 02/19/2010
This mounting system is designed for use with Barons Sub Sonic Mini Tachometer (BA-7573-05). The
tachometer and mount are designed to suit the needs of riders with motorcycles equipped with fairings and/or
center-mounted instrumentation. The unique mounting system attaches to the top of your brake or clutch
master cylinder, positioning the tach for easy viewing. See application chart below for your model.
BA-7574-00: Yamaha - Road Star, Warrior, Royal Star, Venture. Honda - VTX, Shadow, Magna
BA-7574-40: Yamaha - V-Star 650/1100
BA-7574-70: Kawasaki - VN1600 Classic, VN2000, Mean Streak
BA-7574-80: Suzuki - Volusia, C-50, C-90, VL1500
BA-7574-90: Harley-Davidson all models
1. Remove lower clamp from new tachometer Remove upper portion of the clamp from tachometer
2. Install tachometer on to new master cylinder mount with supplied flathead screws. Blue Loctite (or other
thread locking compound) is recommended.
3. Install new master cylinder cover/tach assembly in place of original, stock cover using supplied screws.
Harley-Davidson models will need to use the supplied rubber gasket in place of stock windowed gasket.
4. Route tach's wire harness lead as necessary for simplest and cleanest installation to coil. Feed tach harness
alongside bike's wiring harness (passing behind any plastic frame covers), then downward toward the coil.
Make your wire connections. See instruction sheet supplied with your new tachometer for this.
5. If you have tall or pullback risers or wide handlebars, you may need to splice an extra 12 inches of wire to
each colored wire lead of your tachometer prior to completing the routing and connection, then trim to
appropriate length.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
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