Baron Air & Fuel_xXx BIG AIR KIT Road Star (99-07) BLACK User Manual
Baron For motorcycles

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LA-2320-00 & LA-2320-00B
xXx BIG AIR KIT (BAK) - Yamaha Roadstar (99-07)
CAUTION! We Strongly recommend that a qualified technician install this
kit if you do not completely understand the instructions prior to the install.
Revision: 2.5 - 06/20/2011
Install Time: 30 Minutes
(1) Black Intake Backplate
(1) Black Air Filter Cover
(3) Aluminum Stand-Offs
(1) Black Zip Tie
(1) Chrome Mesh Cover
(1) Chrome xXx Cover
(1) Performance Re-Usable Air Filter
(1) 1/4-20x1/2" Polished SS Flat Head Allen
(1ea.) Black Motor Mount & Black Mount Spacer
(1) 2-5/8" dia. Neoprene hose 1/8" wall thickness cut 1"
(6) 1/4-20x3/4" Black Flat Head Allen Screws
(1) M6x.1 25mm Stainless Socket Cap Screw
(1) Black Plastic Hose Fittings (3/8")
(1) M6x.1 40mm SS Socket Cap Screw
(2) 1/4-20x3/4" Socket Cap Screw
4, 5, 6mm & 5/32" Allen Wrenches
Pliers (Std. & Needle-nose)
Blue Loctite®
10 & 12mm Sockets
Phillips & Flat Screwdrivers
Factory Service Manual
BE ADVISED: Installation of this Big Air Kit requires the installation of a special Needle and Jet kit for proper
air fuel mixture. The Baron Needle/Jet Kit BA-2461-00 comes with the properly calculated configuration and is
available separately.
1. Remove your fuel tank according to factory service manual procedures.
2. Remove the stock air cleaner from the right side of your bike.
3. Remove stock idle cable holder.
4. Using three 1/4-20x3/4" Black Flat Head Allen Screws install three standoffs into the BAK backplate. Be
sure to use Blue Loctite®. Torque to 8-10 ft.lbs.
5. Thread Plastic Hose Fittings into the back of your new BAK backing plate. Be careful as these fittings can
easily cross-thread or strip.
6. With the two 1/4-20x3/4" Socket Cap Screws, attach the the black motor mount to the back of the backing
plate. The notches on the mount should be on your left when you install the plate.
7. Install the Neoprene hose onto your BAK backing plate and secure with the supplied zip tie. Be sure not to
over tighten the zip tie and tear the hose. If you have a 42 or 45mm Mikuni carb, you will need to trim
about 1/16" off this hose. Cut enough off for the hose to fit between the backing plate & the carb without
bunching up.
8. Remove the metal hose clamp from your stock air box's rubber carb intake connector. Slip this clamp over
BAK's neoprene hose, but not too tighten at this time. Make sure to install clamp with screw head facing
rear of the bike. Take the assembled BAK backing plate and place it into position between the cylinders.
Install crankcase vent hose on small male vent fitting located on rear of backing plate. The carb vent hose
that was originally routed to a bracket on the rear of the stock airbox attached to the other hose fitting.
Route this hose in such a manner as to make it inconspicuous from view, ensuring that it will not get
pinched or blocked in any way.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. LA Choppers bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
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