Baron Air & Fuel_AIR INJECTION SYSTEM KIT Kawasaki Vulcan 1500_1600 User Manual
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AIS Reed Valve Block Off Kit
Kawasaki Vulcan
Revision: 1.3 - 08/29/2012
(3) - 1/4" vacuum caps
(4) - M6x15 hex head bolts
(2) - Block off plates
NOTE: We recommend the use of Blue Loctite on all fasteners and mounting hardware
1. Remove fuel tank.
2. Remove Air Suction (Reed) Valve covers - they are located on the front of front cylinder and on the rear of
rear cylinder.
3. Install block off plates with supplied screws and stock gasket (if the gasket was damaged during removal it
should be replaced).
4. Follow hoses from reed valve covers up to Air Switching Valve assembly located over top of front cylinder.
5. Find vacuum hose (small hose) on valve assembly and follow to its source. Remove hose and cap source with
one of the supplied caps.
6. You can now remove the valve/pump assembly and all its associated hoses. (shown below)
7. Note on EFI models: you may have to leave the solenoid in place and plugged in to avoid FI error lights.
California models only: You may wish to remove the charcoal canister and separator. If you do, plug vacuum line
that runs to bottom of separator from throttle assembly (carb or throttle body). Fuel tank breathers should be left
open to vent and may be extended if you want. If you have the stock air filter on left side of bike, the fresh air
supply should be plugged when removing canister.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
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