M&C TechGroup TK13 Data sheet User Manual

Condensate vessel, Special features, Application

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M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany

[email protected] • • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111


Embracing Challenge



Very corrosion resistant



Liquid level always visible



Different tube connections possible



Level alarm possible



With integrated outlet cock

Special Features

Condensate vessel

Version TG1, TG1/LA1,TG10, TK10, TK11, TK12/LA5, TK13



The condensate collection vessels TG.. / TK..

are specially designed for application in the

analysis technique and are used as conden-

sate collecters in applications where auo-

matic condensate removal is impossible, as

e.g. for gas coolers, or where undesired small

amounts of condensate occur.
When using peristaltic pumps as automatic

condensate removal and expecting a high

quantity of liquid carry over, the condensate

collection vessel can also be used as a buffer

For safe operation, the condensate vessels

can be equipped with a liquid-level alarm.


The M&C condensate collection vessels TG1

and TG10 are made of industrial quality glass.

This allows high resistance against corrosion

as well as the ability to see inside the vessel.

A GL25-12 mm clamp connector is provided

for condensate inlet and in the case of the

TG1 design also for an optional liquid alarm

sensor (not in TG10) which is supplied sealed

with a blank cover.
The outlet valve is fitted with a PTFE stopcock,

ensuring easy access and hermetic sealing. All

sample contacting parts are out of glass and

PTFE. A wall mounting plate is supplied as

part of standard delivery. The TG1/LA 1 design

is supplied completely with a liquid sen-

sor LA1 for conducting media and includes

electronic LA 1.1 in a wall mounting housing.

Special connector adapters for the connec-

tion of tubes to GL glass connections can be

supplied optionally.
The M&C condensate vessels TK10-TK12/LA5

are made of PVC transparent. This allows

high resistance against corrosion as well as

the ability to see inside the vessel. Version

TK12/LA5 has got a G3/8» connection for the

condensate inlet. For additional junctions, the

condensate vessel TK10 has got two extra

G1/4» connections which are sealed with a

blank cover.

The condensate collection vessels TK11 and

TK12/LA5 have got a connection thread M28

for the level switch LA5. The condensate ves-

sel TK12/LA5 is completed with an integrated

level switch LA5 and 1m connection cable

LIYY 2x 0,14 mm2.
The hand drain valve from the TK10-TK12/LA5

is sealed with an FPM o-ring, this provides an

easy handling and guarantees a proper seal-

ing. Three additional G1/4» threads provide

the possibility for easy vertical or horizontal

connection. The horizontal connections are

sealed with blank cover.
The wall mounting carriers are included.
The 10 litre M&C condensate collection vessel

TK13 and TK13/LA5 with handle and stopcock

are made of PE. For condensate inlet and

ventilation there are three tube connections

DN4/6 mm on the TK13 and TK13/LA5.
The condensate collection vessel TK13/LA5 is

complied with an integrated level switch LA5

and 1m connection cable LIYY 2x 0,14 mm



The level switch LA5 is supplied from the fac-

tory as a normal open contact.
If you need a normal close contact, turn the

float 180°.

Technical specifications and illustrations are without

obligation, subject to modifications. 09.96/06.06