M&C TechGroup BA-P4 Data sheet User Manual
Air clean up supply series ba, Version ba, ba-p4, Special features

M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
[email protected] • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Embracing Challenge
High degree of purity:
O dew point <-10 °C
Easy filter and adsorber change at the
front without tools
Long service life
Minimum operating costs
Status self-monitoring
Compact, easy-to-use and easy-to-serv-
ice 19 inch plug-in housing
Special Features
Air clean up supply series BA
Version BA, BA-P4
When measuring hydrocarbons with a FID,
hydrocarbon free burner air is necessary. The
M&C-burner air BA conditioning has been
developed in order to achieve proper burner
air supply, independent of gas cylinders.
The BA unit can also be used as a zero gas
generator when calibrating I.R.-analysers for
immission monitoring.
The M&C-burner air conditioning versions
BA and BA-P4 have been designed as com-
pact, easy-to-use and easy-to-service 19 inch
The M&C burner air conditioning version BA is
designed without pump.
With version BA-P4 ambient air is taken in by
means of the integrated pendulum recipro-
cating pump via the rear-mounted air suction
filter and is directed to particle and conden-
sate separation by means of a high-perform-
ance filter (0.01 micron of filter fineness) with
an integrated, floating condensate drainer.
Drying the condensate-free compressed
air to <-10 °C dew point takes place in a
membrane dryer.
There upon the compressed air is cleaned
as a result of catalytic oxidation at 500 °C by
means of a platinum/palladium catalyst of
hydrocarbon traces.
A downstream adsorber cartridge with
molecular sieve and activated carbon guar-
antees optimum purity of burner air.
The catalyst and adsorber material can, if
required, be replaced at the front without
Technical specifications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modifications. 09.96/01.07