Overview, 1 product description, 2 cabling – EVS EPSIO Version 1.60 - July 2010 User's Manual User Manual

Page 7: Product description, Cabling

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Issue 1.60.C

Epsio Version 1.60 – User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment - July 2010


1. Overview


Epsio is a graphics solution integrated into the MulticamLSM that allows the
operators to control graphic animations, such as offside line, graphic overlays,
arrows or circles, using the LSM Remote Panel.

It can be used with the EVS XT family servers and works with Multicam, from
version 10.2.30 onwards.
Before the event, the user performs the initial calibration, where the images of the
playfield are matched with predefined angles into the system. Based on this
calibration, Epsio is able to instantly and automatically recognize the playfield
during actions when the playfield is clearly visible on the video signal. The user
will also define the chroma key, which means the range of colors on the video

signal where the graphic animations will be incrusted.

The operator can then trigger the animation in a one-second operation, using the
jog wheel of the LSM Remote Panel.

The producer can automatically see a screenshot with the graphic animation, and
decide whether or not to play out the entire action with the effects.


If you want to use the live tools in Epsio, you need to have the Live

Tools license installed in XSecure.


The schema on the following page shows how the Epsio workstation and the EVS
server BNC cables should be connected: