Acroprint TQ600F (software version 4.x and above) User Manual

Page 16

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Auto Test: Test operational status of various hardware components including the display, voice prompts, camera,

keyboard screen, clock (time) tests and touch screen calibration.

Dn/Upload: Download user information and attendance data stored in the device through a USB flash drive to the

timeQplus software.

Sys Info: Browse records and device information.


: Any user can access the main menu by pressing the [Menu] key if the system does not have an

administrator. After an administrator is enrolled on the device only an administrator will be able to access the

main menu. For security purposes it is recommended that you enroll an administrator before installing the

terminal. For detailed operations, see

3.6 Modifying User Rights.

2.1 Accessing the Main Menu on a Terminal with an Administrator

Only employees with Administrator rights can access the Main Menu of a secured terminal (a terminal that has an

Administrator enrolled). When [Menu] is pressed a Padlock is displayed on the screen indicating that an Administrator

is enrolled on the terminal and the menu has been secured. The following steps show how to access the Main Menu

depending on how an Administrator is set up for User verification:

2.1.1 Administrators with Face Enrollment

Press Menu. A Padlock is displayed on the screen. Scan your face. Once the user with Administrator rights

is verified the menu will be displayed.

2.1.2 Administrators with Password Enrollment

Press Menu. A Padlock is displayed on the screen. Press [1:1]. Enter User ID (Pin#) and press the button

with the Key Icon at the bottom of the screen. Enter your Password when prompted and press [OK]. Once

the user with Administrator rights is verified the menu will be displayed.

2.1.3 Administrators with Proximity Badge Enrollment

Press Menu. A Padlock is displayed on the screen. Scan your proximity badge. Once the user with

Administrator rights is verified the menu will be displayed.


: If an Administrator wants to access the terminal Menu and they press [1:1] and then verify their

identity they will hear “Thank You” because they did not press [Menu] before pressing [1:1]. The employee

recorded a punch instead of accessing the Menu.