Trimble Outdoors 5700 User Manual
Page 107

5700 GPS Receiver User Guide
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Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Surveying
The 5700 receiver uses L1 and L2 carrier measurements, plus precise
code range measurements to the satellites, to automatically initialize
the ambiguities. The initialization process takes between 10 seconds
and a few minutes. While the receiver is initializing the ambiguities, it
generates a float solution with meter-level accuracy. When the
initialization process is complete, the solution mode switches
from float to fixed, and the precision changes from meter-level to
centimeter-level accuracy.
Provided that at least four common satellites are continuously tracked
after a successful initialization, the ambiguity initialization process
does not have to be repeated.
Note – Initialization time is determined by baseline length, multipath,
and prevailing atmospheric errors. Minimize reflective objects close to
the antennas, and keep baseline lengths and differences in elevation
between the reference and rover sites as small as possible.
Warning – Although initialization in the 5700 receiver is very reliable,
incorrect initializations can occur. A bad initialization can result in position
errors of one to three meters. Generally, a bad initialization is followed by
an increasing solution RMS (Root Mean Square). The receiver
automatically detects initialization failures, and reports and fixes the
problem. Bad initialization detection may take between one and four
minutes, depending on the number of satellites being tracked.