Analog input signal connections – National Instruments Low-Cost Multifunction I/O Board for ISA Lab-PC+ User Manual

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Signal Connections

Chapter 3

Lab-PC+ User Manual


© National Instruments Corporation

The connector pins can be grouped into analog input signal pins, analog output signal pins,
digital I/O signal pins, and timing I/O signal pins. Signal connection guidelines for each of these
groups are included later in this chapter.

Analog Input Signal Connections

Pins 1 through 8 are analog input signal pins for the 12-bit ADC. Pin 9, AISENSE/AIGND, is
an analog common signal. This pin can be used for a general analog power ground tie to the
Lab-PC+ in RSE mode, or as a return path in DIFF or NRSE mode. Pins 1 through 8 are tied to
the eight single-ended analog input channels of the input multiplexer through 4.7 k


resistances. Pins 2, 4, 6, and 8 are also tied to an input multiplexer for DIFF mode. Pin 40 is
EXTCONV* and can be used to trigger conversions. A conversion occurs when this signal
makes a high-to-low transition.

The following input ranges and maximum ratings apply to inputs ACH<0..7>:

Input signal range

Bipolar input:


(5/gain) V

Unipolar input: 0 to (10/gain) V

Maximum input voltage rating


45 V powered on or off

Exceeding the input signal range for gain settings greater than 1 will not damage the input
circuitry as long as the maximum input voltage rating of


45 V is not exceeded. For example

with a gain of 10, the input signal range is


0.5 V for bipolar input and 0 to 1V for unipolar

input, but the Lab-PC+ is guaranteed to withstand inputs up to the maximum input voltage rating.


Exceeding the input signal range results in distorted input signals. Exceeding the
maximum input voltage rating may cause damage to the Lab-PC+ board and to
the computer. National Instruments is


liable for any damages resulting from

such signal connections.

Connection of analog input signals to the Lab-PC+ depends on the configuration of the Lab-PC+
analog input circuitry and the type of input signal source. With the different Lab-PC+
configurations, the Lab-PC+ instrumentation amplifier can be used in different ways. Figure 3-2
shows a diagram of the Lab-PC+ instrumentation amplifier.