National Instruments Low-Cost Multifunction I/O Board for ISA Lab-PC+ User Manual

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© National Instruments Corporation


Lab-PC+ User Manual

differential connection

considerations, 3-6 to 3-9

floating signal sources, 3-8 to 3-9
ground-referenced signal sources,

3-7 to 3-8

recommended configurations for

ground-referenced and floating signal
sources (table), 3-6

single-ended connection considerations,

3-10 to 3-12

floating signal sources (RSE

configuration), 3-10 to 3-11

grounded signal sources (NRSE

configuration), 3-11 to 3-12

input modes, 2-10 to 2-11

DIFF input (four channels), 2-11 to 2-12
NRSE input (eight channels), 2-13
RSE input (eight channels), 2-12

input multiplexers, 4-5
installation. See also configuration.

hardware, 2-15
unpacking the Lab-PC+, 1-4

instrumentation amplifier, 3-5
INTE1 status word, Port C, E-32
INTE2 status word, Port C, E-32
INTEA status word, Port C

Mode 1 input, E-28
Mode 1 output, E-30

INTEB status word, Port C

Mode 1 input, E-28
Mode 1 output, E-30

integral nonlinearity, A-3
interrupt programming

A/D interrupt programming, E-19 to E-20
analog output circuitry, E-22 to E-23
digital I/O circuitry, E-34

interrupt selection, 2-7 to 2-8

factory settings (table), 2-3
jumper settings

disabling interrupts (figure), 2-8
factory setting of IRQ5 (figure), 2-7


control circuitry, 4-3
generating with EXTUPDATE* signal

(figure), 3-24

types of interrupts, 4-3 to 4-4

Interval Counter Register Group,

D-38 to D-40

Interval Counter Data Register

description, D-39
single-channel interval acquisition

mode, E-19

Interval Counter Strobe Register, D-40
overview, D-38
register map (table), D-2

interval scanning, for multiple A/D

conversions, E-17 to E-18

INTR signal

description, 3-17
Mode 1 input timing, 3-18
Mode 1 output timing, 3-19
Mode 2 bidirectional timing, 3-20
Port C signal assignments (table), 3-16

INTRA status word, Port C

Mode 1 input, E-28
Mode 1 output, E-30
Mode 2 operation, E-32

INTRB status word, Port C

Mode 1 input, E-28
Mode 1 output, E-30


description, D-14
multiple A/D conversions

interval scanning, E-17 to E-18
single-channel interval acquisition mode,

E-18 to E-19

I/O connector

exceeding maximum ratings (warning), 3-1
pin assignments (figure), 3-2
signal connection descriptions (table), 3-3

I/O status word, Port C

Mode 1 input, E-28
Mode 1 output, E-30
Mode 2 operation, E-32


jumper and switch settings

analog I/O (table), 2-9
base I/O address selection, 2-3 to 2-4

example switch settings (figure), 2-4
possible settings with corresponding base

I/O address and base address I/O
space (table), 2-5

bipolar output (figure), 2-9
DIFF input, 2-11 to 2-12
DMA channel