000a, Pshs, Pshch – Lakeshore Learning Materials 622 User Manual
Page 80

Lake Shore Model 620/622/623/647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual
Options & Accessories
PSH Summary Query
Input: PSHS?
Returned: [PSH][PSH status][PSH compliance][current value][command status] where:
[PSH] = 0 if PSH is present, or 1 if PSH is not present,
[PSH heater status] = 0 if heater is OFF, or 1 if it is ON,
[PSH compliance] = 0 if PSH is under compliance or 1 if it is over.
[current value] = up to three characters which give the current value
[command status] = 0 if the command status is OFF, or 1 if it is ON.
Remarks: Returns seven characters plus up to two terminators.
Program PSH Channel (Multiplex PSH Card ONLY)
Input: PSHCH
where [channel] = 0 to 8
Returned: Nothing.
Remarks: Command applies to the Model 6228-8MUX Card ONLY. 0 = heater OFF; 1 to 8 = heater ON.
PSH Channel Query (Multiplex PSH Card ONLY)
Input: PSHCH?
Returned: Channel number from 0 to 8
Remarks: Command applies to the Model 6228-8MUX Card ONLY. 0 = heater OFF; 1 to 8 = heater ON.
Returns one character plus up to two terminators.
The Model 6228-2 Persistent Switch Heater Output Option controls a second Persistent Switch. The output
has the same specifications as the 6228 card.
The PSH SETUP screen using a 6228 and a 6228-2 card appears to the right. Only the heater currents can be
changed on this screen. The status of the heater is either on or off. The last value is the current of the power
supply when the heater was last turned off.
The PSH SETUP screen using a 6228-8MUX and a
6228-2 card appears to the right. Note that the
Channel displays for the 6228-8MUX card. The
heater currents and channel of the 6228-8MUX can
be changed on this screen. The status of the heater
is either on or off. The last value LAST 1 is the
current of the power supply when the heater was
last turned off for the given channel of the 6228-8MUX.
The PSH SETUP screen using ONLY a 6228-2 card
appears to the right.
P E R S I S T E N C E H T R S E T U P :
¤ H E A T E R 1
S T A T U S 1
L A S T 1
H E A T E R 2
S T A T U S 2
L A S T 2
O U T P U T S :
: 5 0 m A
: < H T R O N >
: + 0 . 0 0 0 A
: 1 ¥
: 5 0 m A
: < H T R O N >
: + 0 . 0 0 0 A
+ 0 . 0 0 0 V
P E R S I S T E N C E H T R 2 S E T U P :
O U T P U T S :
: 5 0 m A
: < H T R O N >
: + 0 . 0 0 0 A
+ 0 . 0 0 0 V
¤ H E A T E R 2
S T A T U S 2
L A S T 2