Lakeshore Learning Materials 622 User Manual

Page 44

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Lake Shore Model 620/622/623/647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual

Remote Operation


National Instruments

GPIB0 Configuration

GPIB-PC2/2A Ver 2.1

Primary GPIB Address ..................


Select the primary GPIB address by

Secondary GPIB Address .............NONE

using the left and right arrow keys.

Timeout setting..............................10sec

This address is used to compute the

Terminate Read on EOS ...............Yes

talk and listen addresses which

Set EOI with EOS on Writes .........Yes

identify the board or device on the

Type of compare on EOS..............7-Bit

GPIB. Valid primary addresses range

EOS byte .......................................0Ah

from 0 to 30 (00H to 1EH).

Send EOI at end of Write ..............Yes

* Adding 32 to the primary address

System Controller..........................Yes

forms the Listen Address (LA).

Assert REN when SC ....................No

* Adding 64 to the primary address

Enable Auto Serial Polling.............No

forms the Talk Address (TA).

Enable CIC Protocol......................No
Bus Timing ....................................500nsec

EXAMPLE: Selecting a primary

Parallel Poll Duration.....................Default

address of 10 yields the following:

Use this GPIB board......................Yes

10 + 32 = 42 (Listen address)

Board Type....................................PCII

10 + 64 = 74 (Talk address)

Base I\O Address ..........................02B8h

F1: Help F6: Reset Value F9/Esc: Return to Map Ctl PgUp/PgDn: Next/Prev Board

National Instruments

DEV12 Configuration

GPIB-PC2/2A Ver 2.1

Primary GPIB Address ..................


Select the primary GPIB address by

Secondary GPIB Address .............NONE

using the left and right arrow keys.

Timeout setting..............................10sec

This address is used to compute the

Terminate Read on EOS ...............Yes

talk and listen addresses which

Set EOI with EOS on Writes .........Yes

identify the board or device on the

Type of compare on EOS..............7-Bit

GPIB. Valid primary addresses range

EOS byte .......................................0Ah

from 0 to 30 (00H to 1EH).

Send EOI at end of Write ..............Yes

* Adding 32 to the primary address

Enable Repeat Addressing ...........Yes

forms the Listen Address (LA).

* Adding 64 to the primary address

forms the Talk Address (TA).

EXAMPLE: Selecting a primary

address of 10 yields the following:

10 + 32 = 42 (Listen address)

10 + 64 = 74 (Talk address)

F1: Help F6: Reset Value F9/Esc: Return to Map Ctl PgUp/PgDn: Next/Prev Board

Figure 4-1 Typical National Instruments GPIB Configuration from IBCONF.EXE

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