Imode, Vmode – Lakeshore Learning Materials 622 User Manual
Page 53

Lake Shore Model 620/622/623/647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual
Remote Operation
Current Zero Commands Description
The following MPS commands configure the various functions of the current zero features.
Current Programming Mode Query
Input: IMODE?
Returned: 0 if I MODE switch is set to EXT, or 1 if set to INT.
Remarks: Returns one character plus up to two terminators. When multiple MPS units are present, the
current programming mode of MPS No. 1 is reported.
Voltage Programming Mode Query
Input: VMODE?
Returned: 0 if the V MODE switch is set to EXT, or 1 if set to INT.
Remarks: Returns one character plus up to two terminators. When multiple MPS units are present, the
voltage programming mode of MPS No. 1 is reported.
Programs Current Zero Value
ZI [current zero] where [current zero] = a value between ±999.9999.
Remarks: Enter this setting after enabling ZI Status. Control Bus inputs 4 places, display rounds to 0.01
or 0.001 place. If a ZI value is entered over the Control Bus, status automatically turns ON.
Current Zero Value Query
Input: ZI?
Returned: A number between ±999.9999.
Remarks: Returns nine characters plus up to two terminators.
Programs Current Zero Status
Input: ZIS
[status] where [status] = 0 to turn OFF the current zero, or 1 to turn it ON.
Remarks: When the current zero is turned off, the current zero value resets to 0.
Current Zero Status Query
Input: ZIS?
Returned: 0 if the current zero is OFF, or 1 if it is ON.
Remarks: Returns one character plus up to two terminators.