Lakeshore Learning Materials 622 User Manual
Page 76

Lake Shore Model 620/622/623/647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual
Options & Accessories
LHe Level Units Query
Input: LUNI?
Returned: % for percentage, E for English units (inches), or M for metric units (centimeters)
Remarks: Returns one character plus up to two terminators are returned.
Program Sample Period
Input: PER
[hours]:[minutes] where [hours] = 0 to 23, and [minutes] = 0 to 59.
Remarks: Programs the sample period in hours and minutes. The initial condition is 00:00, which
defines a continuous sample period. Max. time is 23 hours, 59 seconds.
Sample Period Query
Input: PER?
Returned: Hours and minutes programmed for the sample period, a comma, then the hours and minutes
left in the sample period. Example - 23:59,10:10[term]. Indicates an initial sample period
program of 23 hours and 59 minutes with 10 hours and 10 minutes remaining.
Remarks: Returns eleven characters plus up to two terminators.
Programs the probe zero reference
ZREF [zero reference] where [zero reference] = a value between 0 and ±999.9 truncated
(not rounded) to the tenths place.
Remarks: The initial condition is 0. The zero reference uses the existing units. Conversion is made if
units are changed.
Probe Zero Reference Query
Input: ZREF?
Returned: A number between ±999.9000.
Remarks: Returns nine characters plus up to two terminators.
Program Probe Zero Reference Status
Input: ZREFS
[status] where [status] = 1 to add the zero reference value to the level reading, or 0
to return the level reading to absolute.
Remarks: Programs the probe zero reference status. The initial condition is 0. The level read above the
zero reference is positive while the level read below the zero reference is negative.
Zero Reference Status Query
Input: ZREFS?
Returned: 0 if the probe zero reference status is disabled, or 1 if it is enabled.
Remarks: Returns one character plus up to two terminators.