Lakeshore Learning Materials 622 User Manual
Page 57

Lake Shore Model 620/622/623/647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual
Remote Operation
Identification Query
Returned: Manufacturer, Model Number, Model Serial Number, Firmware Date.
Remarks: Returns seventeen characters plus up to two terminators.
Example: LSCI,622,0,120193[term]
Operation Complete Status
Returned: Nothing.
Remarks: Causes the MPS to set an update cycle counter to 2. Each time through an update cycle,
parameters entered by device dependent commands update and the cycle count decrements.
Two update cycles complete all pending device dependent commands. When this occurs, the
MPS sets the operation complete bit in the Standard Event Status Register (not the
IEEE-488.2 defined operation). Not supported by Control Bus.
Operation Complete Status Query
Returned: 0 or 1, where 0 indicates incomplete, 1 indicates complete.
Remarks: Places 1 in the instrument output queue and sets the Operation Complete Bit in the Standard
Event Status Register upon completion of all pending selected device operations. This must be
sent as the last command in a command string. Returns one character plus up to two
terminators. Not supported by Control Bus.
Instrument Reset Command
Returned: Nothing.
Remarks: Restores MPS to power-up settings just like the DCL and SDC bus commands. The MPS
reverts to the Normal Display Screen, forces ramp status to the Hold mode, and clears any
latched error along with the Status Byte and the Standard Event Status Registers. Not
supported by Control Bus.