Symbol Technologies VRC 6940 User Manual
Page 32

Installing Software
parameters, and press ENTER. The example in
shows a baud rate of
38400, and the COM2 option. For
, type the name of the HEX file you are
transferring, without the
extension. The default parameter values are:
" 9600 bps
" COM1
" 7 data bits
" Odd parity
" Xon/Xoff flow control
Figure 4-2. Setting up Communications with SENDHEX
Note: Versions of SENDHEX earlier than version 3.0 do not support flow
control. If you are using an earlier version, and errors appear, use a
lower baud rate.
5. A prompt appears as shown in
. Do not press ENTER yet. You must set
up the VRC 6940 terminal next, as described in the next section.
Figure 4-3. The SENDHEX Prompt
sendhex pgmname 38400 com2
HEX File Name
(no .hex extension)
Baud Rate
COM Port
sendhex pgmname 38400 com2
Version: 3.01-01